corporate wellness
for high -performance Work environments
Conscious Matters ® specializes in delivering tailored mindfulness-based workshops and programs to cater to the unique needs of individuals operating in high-performance environments to deal better with managing chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout.
In the fast-paced world of high-performance workplaces, managing and maintaining employees’ stress and productivity can be daunting. Research indicates that a significant portion of illness and absenteeism in the workplace stems from stress-related conditions.
Our approach is designed to help your employees release day-to-day pressures, effectively manage stress, and regain focus. Indeed, our corporate wellness programs serve to create a solid foundation for enhanced company culture, as well as trust, growth, and productivity between team members, guaranteeing a positive impact overall.
80% of workers
say they feel stress at work and need help trying to manage it.
up to 200% rOI
for organizations that introduce mindfulness programs. Mindfulness programming increases both engagement and morale.
120% + productivity
a well-implemented mindfulness practice improves employee focus and increases productivity by 120%, but employers were seeing an 85% decrease in absenteeism. Businesses with meditation programs for employees experienced a huge 520% profit increase.
Sources: Attitudes in the American Workplace VII, - Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute - 2020/2021 Benefits, market value & trends, Arthur Zuckerman

When it comes to managing
mental wellness at work,
mindfulness provides a cost-effective sustainable option
As we aim to guide individuals toward overcoming burnout, chronic stress, and anxiety,
here’s how we can support your team’s mental fitness:
Employee Well-Being Training: We provide comprehensive training in supporting employee mental and emotional well-being, resilience, and stress management, equipping your team with practical tools and strategies to navigate workplace-related challenges effectively.
Flexible Delivery: Our workshops and sessions are adaptable, whether in-person or online, accommodating distributed teams, including remote workers. We can also scale our offerings to accommodate the needs of your organization.
Half-day or Full-day introductory session in mindfulness for employees and team members with or without previous mindfulness experience. Mental fitness workshop to lessen the impact of chronic stress, raise emotional intelligence, strengthen individual performance but also improve productivity across your organization.
Introductory session in mindfulness for team leaders and senior executives with or without previous mindfulness experience. Focus on growth mindset methods and mindfulness practices to lower the impact of stress, and alleviate top issues related to high-performance work environments such as conscious communication, mindful conflict resolution and leadership. These tools can then be implemented in their leadership model for the team's overall well-being.
Mindfulness workshops and practices in a group setting during companies’ retreat getaways.
We offer a program with mindfulness and somatic practices such as breath-work, guided meditation, yoga, and affirmations, among others, to your employees so they can reset their mindset and release all pent-up stress accumulated prior.
All options are about mental fitness geared toward employees’ well-being.
Your employees will feel less stressed, more focused, and fulfilled in their roles.
bring more wellness
into your company?