Ep. 48/ Navigating the ebbs & flows of life mindfully



WITH  Host melissa  D. Barry    

Published  april  30th,  2024 - available  on  all  podcast  platforms.

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Have you ever felt lost in life's endless ups and downs of your own energy? In this episode, we’ll be exploring the intricacies of navigating the ebbs and flows with mindfulness and grace. We'll unravel the mystery of our fluctuating energy levels and how embracing these fluctuations can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and well-being.

I'll explain how our very physiology is intertwined with the natural rhythms of nature. But in a society obsessed with constant productivity, many miss the benefits of accepting these innate cycles. As someone who's battled burnout, pushing past your limits leads nowhere good.

We'll delve deeper into embracing fluctuations through self-awareness and self-care. By simply honoring your needs, what if well-being could be unlocked instead? I'll also offer simple yet powerful strategies roted in mindfulness, such as cultivating non-judgemental awareness of where you're at in any given moment.

By understanding our place within the flow of energy, is finding more peace amidst life's rhythms possible? Tune in to uncover refreshing insights on dancing with each rising and falling tide. This may just change your relationship with stress and replenish your energy reserves mindfuly. Join me in discovering how.


  • Understanding the nature of energy;

  • Embracing our energy fluctuations;

  • Productivity and efficiency,

  • Practical strategies for navigating energy;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 48/

Navigating the ebbs & flows of life mindfully


Ep. 47/ You are not alone