Ep. 42/ Embrace your new chapter : You deserve it



WITH  host  Melissa  D.  BaRry   

Published OCT  31ST,  2023 - available  on  all  podcast  platforms.

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As a follow-up to last month's episode which pushed us to overcome change and uncertainty when faced with newness.

Today we're fully jumping into our next chapter, accepting it all, even when it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Yes, new things - including great opportunities or living our dreams often lead us to a very layered experience making us feel both gratitude and excitement as well as fear, dissociation, unworthiness, and attachment to the old. Let's see how to be at peace with this duality, feel the fear and fully accept this new chapter with everything it has to offer. 

What do you do when you worked so hard to achieve your dream but when it’s finally here you have a hard time realizing it and being satisfied with it? What do you do when you’ve been in survival mode for so long that your unconscious mind is preventing you from fully leaning into your new reality because deep down you’re afraid that the rug is going to be pulled under your feet and you’ll fall head first - confirming that it was just a dream, a bitter joke that YOU would be blessed with your manifestations. 

Well, I guess it takes some adjustments and releasing layers of emotional wounding to grasp the new reality you created for yourself. That’s what I want to talk about today. 


  • Adapting to the new;

  • Letting go of the old;

  • Emotional triggers in new conditions/environments;

  • Self-worth & self-acceptance;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 42/

Embrace your new chapter : You deserve


Ep. 43/ Clear your mind space with Feng shui


Ep. 41/ Overcome your fear of change to step into Your next amazing chapter