Ep. 43/ Clear your mind space with Feng shui



WITH  Feng  Shui  consultant.       

Jeannette  Cieszykowski   

Published NOV  30th,  2023 - available  on  all  podcast  platforms.

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We’ve all heard about Feng shui, this ancient Chinese philosophy developed over 5,000 years ago which focuses on balance and positive energy through arranging living spaces maximizing the life force energy “chi” in a space to create harmony, flow, balance, and peace. Think about all of these airy and flowy jaw-dropping interior design Pinterest boards or Instagram accounts that give a sense of peace by just looking at them.

Turns out Feng shui is more than having a beautiful home with lots of flow and pretty decoration, it’s also about mindset. 

According to Professor Matthews M. in his publication: Feng Shui: Teaching About Science and Pseudoscience “Some believe that feng shui may also improve mental health, and there is some scientific evidence to support this. Others say that while this practice does appear to offer these benefits, they aren't necessarily rooted in science but may be more of a placebo effect or a positive result that has been influenced by the mind.”

It looks like either way, our minds feel more at ease when adorned with some Feng Shui. 

I’ve myself followed some Feng Shui principles to arrange and decorate my home however I’ve never known that it went beyond our living spaces, actually all the way to the mind. So today let’s uncover how decluttering our minds through Feng shui can bring us mind clarity and improve our mindset.

I invited, Jeannette Cieszykowski, founder of Element Clarity, a classical Feng Shui consultant to educate us during this conversation. In the last 10 years, she’s been supporting people in creating an energy-rich home-life that supports their health, wealth, and happiness by using Feng-Shui. Aiming to transform their spaces, mindsets, and lives. Her motto is “Taking you from planning, dreaming & wondering to achieving with a Feng Shui’d space that multiplies your every effort.” Well, I’d say we all want more of that. So let’s go! I’m eager to learn more about all Feng Shui has to offer especially for our state of mind. 


  • Origins and benefits of Feng shui;

  • Finding mind clarity with Feng shui; 

  •  Improving our money mindset by using Feng shui;

  • Using Feng shui as a tool to get a healthier sense of self and to better tap into our intuition;

  • Using the Feng shui principles while traveling and/or


  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 43/

Clear your mind space with Feng shui


Ep. 44/ Mindful takeaways from 2023


Ep. 42/ Embrace your new chapter : You deserve it