Ep. 1/ Meditation as the catalyst of peace



with YouTube sensation Pura Rasa

Published Dec 3rd, 2019 - available on all podcast platforms.

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Meditation is my medication”. It has made a really profound impact on me, touching nearly all aspects of my life, especially emotional, mental, and spiritual. To me, the interconnectedness between one’s inner world and the complexity of the outer world truly embodies the art of meditation.

My meditation journey started with the practice of Pura Rasa on Youtube, as funny or unconventional as it may sound.

With a following of almost 200K people on YouTube, Rasa is the meditation teacher and energy healer everybody talks about. With her eclectic panel of visually animated meditations, she is revolutionizing the way we usually see this practice. With Rasa’s soothing voice, everything is the opposite of boring, long, and dreadful. Her meditation repertoire touches so many different themes from deep relaxation, and the law of attraction to sleep aid - among others - and varies in time from 5 min sessions to 1-hour ones. Everybody finds the healing they need that fits their schedule.

With her, I learned the premise of breathwork. In other words, to rest into this breath within us, and to actually see that most of the time we’re not really breathing or at least not as deep as we should to gather its benefits and to loosen the grip instead of letting our ego thinking it has to be in control of everything.

Through meditation, with the assistance of Rasa, I found a circle of empathy and support, much needed in this fast-paced society we live in. I am always astonished by our abilities to heal from within, to change the course of our lives toward one of love and compassion.

My healing work made me realize the power of one’s courageous authenticity, pure vulnerability, and genuine desire to grow. It really increased my capacity to practice compassion and to keep my own life challenges in perspective.

As I move through my own awakening journey, I feel the need to share what I’ve learned with both my loved ones and anyone with whom it can resonate. You just never know what someone is facing at this moment. In this very first episode, Rasa is gracing us with her meditation knowledge, journey, and wisdom through our lovely conversation.

Rasa is truly an inspiring being - who managed to create a safe space online to quiet your mind and feel grounded. Her transformative meditations had such a positive influence on my own life when I was dealing with anxiety and burnout. A few years later, I still use Rasa’s sessions as part of my self-care routine and self-development journey. As a woman, a healer, an entrepreneur, and a mindfulness advocate she shares with us today how conscious living has had a huge impact on her life.

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 1/



Ep. 2/ Unleash your inner power