Ep. 2/ Unleash your inner power



with Tedx speaker Janine Esbrand

Published Jan 13th, 2020 - available on all podcast platforms.

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2020 is here. I was about to say FINALLY here but time flies like crazy, I can’t believe we are actually starting a brand new decade. Even though we can reassess ourselves at any time, to me this beginning of the new year feels like the perfect time to set my intentions of what kind of woman I want to be, and what kind of life I want to live and love. Stopping living in my potential and start living in my truth instead. Speaking up, advocating for what I stand for, embracing my full self, and sharing my gift with the world. Just doing my part, instead of waiting for everything to be impeccable before doing it. I do believe that anyone is gifted and can add to the collective.

Therefore, I decided to theme 2020: unleashing my inner power - and being challenged with the idea of how far can I go now that I truly believe in myself. Of course, knowing that adjustments can and will be made along the way. You are probably also seeing 2020 as a stepping stone and a time to figure out how to shape your life from now on

Being your best self, living your best life, and portraying the person you want to be deep inside.

So why not have this conversation together?

In this second episode, I exchange with a woman who stepped into HER power which improved her life to have it all, as many would say. She is not any woman. Firstly, she is no stranger to me as she was my mentor back in the day and continued to carry this role beyond then. Secondly, she is the hero of many career-driven women who find themselves overwhelmed, feel unprepared for their new position or career, and often are at a crossroads between their own well-being, being present in their own personal lives, and delivering high-quality work.

I am very honored and humbled to welcome Janine Esbrand to Conscious Matters. Janine got certified as a life and business coach while practicing as a corporate lawyer in prominent law firms in the UK. For a while coaching was the side hustle of her legal career until she became a mom. Life can be stressful between work, family, friends, etc., especially when readjusting your whole life after the arrival of a newborn. Faced with the challenges of returning back to work after maternity leave, including the pressure of the corporate world and the very long working hours, she made finding harmony between work, life, and family her priority to live a life that was aligned with the person she became. She decided to trade her prestigious position to become a consultant lawyer and build her own business. Giving her the flexibility to focus on expanding her career as a coach so she could share her experience and efficient tools with other women transitioning to a consequential life shift. Fully embracing and unleashing her inner power actually led her all the way to deliver a TEDx Talk in Greater London.

Her work helps those women live more consciously in a way that they find balance in their lives. Resulting in them being their best version so they can NOT only take better care of themselves but also bring more to the table in their work and family. Janine created a beautiful supportive community of women who are living and loving the life they chose.

Today, Janine and I talk about limiting beliefs, getting your power back, positive thinking, manifesting your goals into reality, finding your tribe, shining in your uniqueness, and more.

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners -

M -


Ep. 2/

Unleash your inner power


Ep. 3/ The magical power of self-love


Ep. 1/ Meditation as the catalyst of peace