Ep. 40/ Plant-based nutrition from a holistic perspective



WITH  vegan  chef &  nutritionist

Whitney  Miner   

Published AUG  31st, 2023 - available on all podcast platforms.

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When we want to lose weight we immediately think of going to the gym, cardio. Working out more. When we are sick we automatically think about everything including the worst-case scenarios and any form of tablets to recover from the symptoms. We always go for the quick-fix promises. But in either case, we rarely, if at all, think about nutrition as the main healing component.

From personal experiences that I’ve lived and witnessed closely, including chronic diseases such as diabetes, I’ve been learning about the incredible power nutrition has to transform our health and prevent chronic disease. 

Nutrition used consciously can be used as a holistic healing system encouraging people to use their daily meals to not only nourish themselves in the healthiest way possible but also to boost the healing of their anxiety, stress, depression, gut issues, etc, naturally. 

My diet is predominantly plant based so not fully. I usually call it a hybrid between a vegetarian and vegan diet with as less processed foods as possible. It kind of happened organically. It would be way too long to talk about the ups and downs of my not-so-healthy relationship with food I had in the past. But let’s just say that at some point in my life, actually a period full of internal and external change, I Shifted my mindset to being healthy and strong rather than thinner and fitting beauty standards that are not even in tune with my natural body shape. Plus realizing and embracing that nature is already giving us everything we need for our optimal health at our disposal. It started as a month experiment, then 2 months, and I just ended up sticking with it since it really reframed my approach to food positively, made my eczema completely disappear, and greatly tuned down other ailments I’ve had. 

I believe to sustainably carry out a healthy diet it needs to be more than a diet but habits turned rooted in mindfulness and enjoyment.

For this conversation, I invited the radiant Whitney Miner, a certified holistic nutritionist, yoga instructor, and the founder of Eat Plants & Prosper - a wellness blog with tons of tips on living a plant-based lifestyle for regular people like you and me. She’s a fervent advocate for designing a holistic health lifestyle based on bringing consciousness into our daily meals and movement in our bodies to live the most fulfilling lives we can. Let’s get back in charge of our long-term health. 


  • Replacing the guilt-ridden diet with nourishing and enjoyable meals;

  • The impact of animal mistreatment on our own health;

  • The conscious trinity: healthy eating, movement & meditation;

  • Finding what feels good;

  • The efficacity of meal prepping;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 40/

Plant-based nutrition from a holistic perspective


Ep. 41/ Overcome your fear of change to step into Your next amazing chapter


Ep. 39/Food for thought: the impact of nutrition on our brain