Ep. 39/Food for thought: the impact of nutrition on our brain



WITH   holistic nutritionist

Dr. Jaz Robbins      

Published July 31st, 2023 - available on all podcast platforms.

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If you want a healthy brain you might want to look at what’s on your plate. 

The brain takes up 20% of our energy resources. And the only way for our body to fill up our energy resources is with food but not any kind of food.

I was watching a documentary about how processed food is slowly but surely killing us. Yeah, I know not really jovial but it’s a reality we are facing, especially in the Western world with all of that easy-to-access and practical package food. One segment talked about how synthesized aromas and chemical flavors negatively impact our health. 

There’s definitely a strong link between our dietary patterns and our mental health. Nutrition matters.

Instead of scaring ourselves out with the huge amount of information we can find online about nutrition, let’s uncover the impact of nutrition on our mental health with a professional in this field. I invited Dr Jaz Robbins, a therapist and board-certified holistic nutritionist but also an author, professor, public speaker, and stage performer. She is the CEO of the Los Angeles-based nonprofit, Healing, Hope & Love and her company: Active Experience. She is an active engaged member of several mental health and nutrition-focused professional organizations. What I particularly enjoy about her approach is that she fully understands and highlights the critical role of the healing properties and preventive benefits of proper nutrition to cultivate holistic wellness at an individual level. 


  • Foods to optimize brain function;

  • The key role of neurotransmitters;

  • Oxidation and inflammation in the body;

  • The importance of hydration and healthy fats;

  • The gut acting as the second brain;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 39/

Food for thought: the impact of nutrition on our brain


Ep. 40/ Plant-based nutrition from a holistic perspective


Ep. 38/Ditching perfectionism to become "Flawesome"