Ep. 17/ The art of letting go




Published Sept 30th, 2021 - available on all podcast platforms.

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Taking a little break from the Ayurveda series before the last episode of it and surfing back onto the solo rant wave. So here I am talking my thoughts out loud to y’all - once again!

My today’s inner reflection is about the art of letting go. Something that we all need some more practice in, I believe. We get so attached to things, people, places, and even unhealthy habits that it often becomes detrimental to our mental health or just our overall well-being. That probably stems from the scarcity mentality we often carry on from a very young age or merely the over-consumption era we’re in but either way it has to go!

With Mercury retrograde and World mental health day around the corner, I felt like it was time to reflect and practice some non-attachment, letting go of the unnecessary before diving into the next cycle.

Once you know what you need to let go of, and that you’ve done your part, whatever it may look like. Trusting the process, your path is definitely a game changer. Depending on how attached you are to the things/people you feel like you need to part ways with, it can be really scary. But do we really want to live fear-based or live intentionally?

Personally, I now strongly believe in the main character metaphor. You’re not the second role nor nobody’s extra-casting member in your own life, you ARE the main character.

We want so much out of life, out of “our’ people (the people in our life), we want so many things, that we most of the time don’t really even need to start with, and we want it like yesterday! Which not only ends up making us put way too much pressure on ourselves, but also prevents us to fully enjoy the things, people and so on we already have. Something that I’ve done lately has been focusing on who/what’s already present in my life and from there sorting out what is benefiting my life, enhancing my character and what/who I’m holding onto that’s holding me back from my growth, what’s keeping me playing small or just unhealthily keeping me in my comfort zone. So let me tell you that I’ve Marie Kondo-ing several things. From people, things, ideas, habits, many things had to go!

I’ll share with you what I’ve learned or actually re-learned being faced with similar situations that I’ve been confronted to in the past but now practicing another approach.


  • Letting go of material things vs. manifestations' desires;

  • Non-attachment;

  • The societal construct of success; 

  • The inner work to process cutting emotional cording;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 17/

the art of letting go



Ep. 18/ Shadow self - Transmuting the unconscious into the conscious


Ep. 16/ Aligning your mind with Ayurveda - Part .2 ~ Self-assessing your well-being