Ep. 7/ Creativity as a self-awareness & confidence tool



with multi-talented creative


Published Oct 31st, 2020 - available on all podcast platforms.

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“Don’t think about making more art, just get it done. Let everybody else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they like it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” - Andy Warhol, artist extraordinaire.

We often exclusively associate creativity with artistic talents. Which would mean that the only creative people out there would be musicians, composers, dancers, etc. Even though in the distant past I subscribed to this idea, I absolutely refute it today.

We use creativity every single day in any kind of field or even daily task, if you’re cooking a delicious dish without any cookbook recipe with the last ingredients left in your kitchen, you are being creative, or the way you tackle an issue at work, or the way you run your business requires of you to think outside the box.

People are born creative. Think about children with their imaginary friends, play, and stories.

Creating is our natural state of mind as beings in this world. I am one of those people who believe that if you have a vision, make it happen. Use what you have and create something. It might fail but at least try.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds. Indeed, socialization and formal education make us lose our creative impulse over time. In public schools, art class is not taken seriously, you have to be good at maths and physics instead; if there are budget cuts you can be sure that anything remotely close to art will be canceled! An analytic approach - in the way we function as a society is much more acclaimed from a very young age to the end of your professional career.

So how do you push down a natural feeling? How do you express a natural ability when it has been taught to you to repress it because you won’t be taken seriously otherwise?

Taking the step towards being more creative is scary but so rewarding too! We have this great opportunity to live in an era in which it is incredibly easy to share our craft online and to find like-minded people who would appreciate it. Also with the internet, our source of inspiration can come from literally anywhere in the world and from any field.

Taking the step towards being more creative is scary but so rewarding too! We have this great opportunity to live in an era in which it is incredibly easy to share our craft online and to find like-minded people who would appreciate it. Also with the internet, our source of inspiration can come from literally anywhere in the world and from any field.

Today, I have the great pleasure to exchange on creativity with Evelyn Ngugi, also known as "Evelyn from the internets" on the web. She is a multi-talented creator, I’m using this broad term because this woman is doing it all when it comes to creation. She’s a writer, storyteller, speaker, filmmaker, actor, award-winner, content creator, show host, and the list continues on. She’s not afraid to keep on creating and displaying her content in front of the almost half a million people that make up her audience online. Or maybe she is afraid but she keeps on showing up, mixing her imagination with hard work and that’s what we are talking about today.


  • The confusion between creativity and artistic talents.

  • The creative process.

  • Incorporating creativity in daily business tasks. 

  • Resisting inner limiting beliefs and negative self-talk with creativity.

  • Mindfully coping with negative feedback.

  • Gaining more confidence and practicing self-advocacy through creativity.

  • Using creativity in business branding. 

  • Being seen and recognized by an idol like Beyoncé.  

  • And much more …

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 7/

Creativity as a self-awareness & confidence tool


Ep. 8/ 30 conscious living lessons for my 30th


Ep. 6/ Mindful branding