Ep. 44/ Mindful takeaways from 2023



WITH  Host melissa  D. Barry    

Published dec  31st,  2023 - available  on  all  podcast  platforms.

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As one door closes, another one opens. Here we are again, closing another year and opening a new one. As every year now for four years, I'm going to try my best to share with you the mindful takeaways we can take from the year that has passed to keep on implementing them in the year ahead.

I know I say that every single year, but it's really hard to reflect on an entire year and try to get all of the gems that you can and express them in a way that resonates with others, that is not too personal in a way that still helps and give another perspective for other people in their own stories.

2023 was very layered: the worst and the best at the same time. It gave nothing and everything at once. So I guess that's why it has been extremely difficult to reflect on this year and to understand which mindful takeaways would be necessary, useful, and powerful to take into 2024. Through a whole year, our personal experience can be extremely layered, with ups, downs, and in-betweens, making us go through a range of emotions.

How do you deal with your life when you're doing everything possible to make it your own creation in a way that is abundant, creative, peaceful, and full of joy and fulfillment? Yet you are faced with restrictions, and disappointments, often from your own expectations, and from people.

At some point it becomes so stressful and restrictive, that you end up having all of these self-doubts, all of these worries, you start to feeling down about yourself and wondering: what is the point of it all?

“If I'm doing all of that, but I'm still not reaping the rewards of all of my efforts. Are my efforts even worth it? Is it even worth it for me to keep on giving that much energy out to make that many efforts for them to be out in the world, out in the universe, and never have that boomerang effect?” - How do we deal with the stress of it all while still showing up authentically and in an empowered way? How do we get clarity navigating the different waves we’re faced with throughout this 12-month journey experience?


  • Toxic positivity;

  • Feelings as internal guidance;

  • Letting go;

  • Inner work;

  • Interdependency;

  • And so much more ...

With that let’s close 2023 with compassion, with awareness, and enlightenment, and open up 2024 with intentionality.

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 44/

Mindful takeaways from 2023 to take into 2024


Ep. 45/ Sticking to your goals sustainably


Ep. 43/ Clear your mind space with Feng shui