Ep. 38/Ditching perfectionism to become "Flawesome"



WITH  Mindvalley  co-founder 

Kristina  Mänd-Lakhiani        

Published June 30th, 2023 - available on all podcast platforms.

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As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve already talked about perfectionism several times on this podcast but it’s always a good reminder to revisit the subject because sometimes we have to heal the same thing multiple times to fully remove all of the remnants of it. 

Perfectionism actually holds us back from just trying, from failing, and experiencing life. Perfection is an illusion. What’s the point of trying to reach something that doesn’t exist and which can only lead to an inevitable failure? Yet, many of us have been suffering from perfectionism from the youngest age. A child is praised so much when he or she does something “perfectly”, being rewarded, and showered with love and praise when they do something right but punished, ridiculed, or shamed when doing something “wrong” or at least not the right way in their eyes.

It has been ingrained in our psyche that we need to wear those societal masks deemed “perfect” from a societal standard to fit in, to be loved, to have and be valued. Perfectionism then becomes like a second skin. 

As much as it can greatly help in our studies and work, from a personal standpoint it can easily become suffocating. Indeed, with time, pushing down your authenticity, losing your own self even your self-worth, your gifts, and uniqueness to fit in a mold for the comfort of others becomes too much to bear. Realizing that years are passing by but you are still not living as you, as your true self, that you are still not dropping the mask to express all parts of yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirks, and all of the things and traits that make you: YOU. 

I am super honored to have Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani discuss this very subject with me today. Kristina is the co-founder of the mega self-development educational platform Mindvalley, you know the one with all of the personal development superstars. She has been in the personal transformation industry for almost 20 years. She is an international speaker, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist who mainly focuses on 

personal transformation, authenticity, understanding and accepting oneself, and a path to happiness. In her upcoming book “Becoming Flawesome”, she reflects on her own story, her battle against perfectionism, and her journey toward her most authentic self. 


  • Self-worth;

  • The controversial side of personal growth;

  • The "Hermione Syndrome",

  • Embracing our uniqueness;

  • Facing our fears;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 38/

Ditching perfectionism to become "Flawesome"


Ep. 39/Food for thought: the impact of nutrition on our brain


Ep. 37/Letting go of limiting beliefs