Ep. 45/ Sticking to your goals sustainably



WITH  Host melissa  D. Barry    

Published JAN 31st,  2023 - available  on  all  podcast  platforms.

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We’re now, January – the month of fresh starts, goal-setting frenzy, and the infamous New Year's resolutions. January is usually the month where we have all of our ducks in a row, our goals all set up, and when we go all in, dive in headfirst, motivated by the collective momentum of a new beginning. Well, at least the few first days and weeks but turns out that when starting that strong, we can also burn fuel too fast and tire ourselves before we even get to fulfill our goals or whatever we set ourselves out to do or be for this new year. 

Let’s see why is that and how we can keep up with the distance and slay this year by seeing it as a marathon rather than a sprint. Let's unravel all of that and stick to our worthy goals.


  • "Quitters' day";

  • The reasoning behind quitting;

  • Goals' time scope;

  • Creating goals;

  • Alignment;

  • And so much more ...

Listen up to this gem!

Namaste listeners,

M -


Ep. 45/

Sticking to your goals sustainably


Ep. 46/ Cultivating long-lasting happiness with mindfulness


Ep. 44/ Mindful takeaways from 2023